Pada hari Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013, PSEC mengunjungi Sahabat Anak di grogol. Sahabat Anak adalah sebuah yayasan yang membantu anak-anak jalanan untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Di sini, PSEC menjelaskan tentang biologi dasar ular, jenis-jenis ular, dan penanganan gigitan ular. Sebagian besar anak-anak sangat antusias bertanya dan belajar tentang ular, dan ada juga beberapa yang mulanya takut dengan ular menjadi tidak takut lagi.
On Saturday, 21st December 2013, PSEC visited Sahabat Anak in grogol. Sahabt Anak is an organization dedicated to improve the education of street children in Indonesia. During our time at Sahabat Anak, we explained to the children about snake biology, types of snakes in Indonesia, and first aid of snake bite. Most of the children were very enthusiastic and asked questions, and some even faced their fear of snakes.
On Saturday, 21st December 2013, PSEC visited Sahabat Anak in grogol. Sahabt Anak is an organization dedicated to improve the education of street children in Indonesia. During our time at Sahabat Anak, we explained to the children about snake biology, types of snakes in Indonesia, and first aid of snake bite. Most of the children were very enthusiastic and asked questions, and some even faced their fear of snakes.